On October 30, 2019, BW alumnae and women in the community gathered at the home of President Bob and Linda Helmer to network, socialize, hear about all that took place during the 2018-2019 year and celebrate the awarding of Women for BW Giving Circle Awards to female students, faculty and staff. Thanks to our generous Members, Women for BW was able to award $23,613 this year! 100% of Membership fees are put to use each year to make these impactful awards possible.
Student Academic Enrichment Awards are varying amounts, up to $2,000, used to fund initiatives, projects and experiences beyond the classroom. The following students received awards this fall:
Mia Malgarini Delenn Hartswick Emma Steward Samantha Lucas
Faculty & Staff Special Project Awards, varying in amounts up to $5,000, are used for supporting special projects, research, and initiatives that directly impact and/or involve BW students. Awards were presented to the following faculty and staff members:
Kristin Brewer & Kerry Mullen Dr. Amy Vaughn Dr. Raed Ba Helah Dr. Kathryn Flinn
Please click here to read more about our recipients and how they will use their awards this coming year.
Congratulations to all recipients! We are excited to see the impact of your awards.
If you have questions regarding Women for BW, please contact womenforbw@bw.edu. If you would like to join the Giving Circle, please visit our Membership page.