Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a volunteer advisory group comprised of Women for BW Giving Circle Members. In addition to the Steering Committee, there are four sub-committees Members can join. 

Steering Committee – Meets 3-4 x per year and is the overall council for this group. The Steering Committee Members help guide the group forward through their expertise, experience, and connections.

Some Members volunteer on the Steering Committee only, however, Steering Committee Members have the opportunity to serve on the following committees:

Recognition Committee – Meets as needed and oversees the application, selection, and reporting processes for our Giving Circle Awards each fall. This is the most hands-on committee. These ladies review all of the applications we receive and with a points system, help narrow down to our top applicants for our Members to vote on.

Membership & Events Committee – Meets as needed to develop and execute our various events throughout the year along with working on strategies for recruiting new Members. Additionally, this committee continually reviews Membership benefits and how to thank and recognize our Members. 

Communications Committee – Meets as needed to develop communications strategies, create content and document our events.

Sub-committees are open to any Member of Women for BW and Members may roll on and off of committees as they wish. There are no committee term limits. 

Questions or interested in getting involved? Please contact womenforbw@bw.edu.

Upcoming Women for BW Steering Committee Meetings:
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
More details to come.



© 2012 Baldwin Wallace University