The Giving Circle has two segments for annual disbursement with 75% of funds allocated to Faculty & Staff Special Projects and 25% of funds allocated as Student Academic Enrichment grants.
Faculty & Staff Special Projects - 75% Faculty & Staff awards will be up to $5,000 each and proposals will focus on curricular and approved student experiential learning opportunities. Proposals require the approval of the department chair prior to submission. Project funding will be determined by voting Members.
Student Academic Enrichment Grants - 25% Awards will be up to $2,000 each and any remaining funds are dispersed as appropriate according to Women for BW bylaws. Recipients are determined by voting members as an award. Honoring the current Women's Club legacy, all recipients will be female.
Each year, these special awards allow for opportunities that otherwise may not be possible. 100% of Giving Circle Membership funds are allocated to these awards.
Please visit our Membership page to learn more about how you can help make an even bigger impact this coming year!
2021 Giving Circle Award Results Are In!
Student Academic Enrichment Award Up to $2,000 (women students only)
Faculty/Staff Special Project Award Up to $5,000
2021 Student Academic Enrichment Awards
Emily Garrett (Neuroscience Thesis: How does estrogen affect symptomatology and disease activity of collagen-induced arthritis in rats?) Emily will use her award to purchase the materials needed to complete her study on how estrogen affects symptomatology and disease activity of collagen-induced arthritis in rats. Rheumatoid arthritis affects women 2.5 times more than men. Emily's hope is that her research will prove or disprove her hypothesis that if estrogen is administered prior to the induction of collagen-induced arthritis in female rats, there will be a decrease in arthritis symptoms.
Nicki Hodgkiss (Study Abroad in Germany) Nicki will use her award to cover the cost of a faculty-led seminar study abroad experience in Germany. She will be traveling throughout Austria and Germany to better understand their complicated history, their rich and enduring culture, their integrated society, as well as their past and current styles of interpersonal communications.
Regan Olak (Child and Caregiver Perceptions of Environmental Facilitators and Barriers to Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) During the Summer Months in Cleveland Neighborhoods) Regan will use her funding to attend the American Society for Nutrition 2022 Conference in Boston, Mass. in June 2022. There, she will present findings for her research on the facilitators and barriers to healthy eating and active living during the summer months of children living in the Cleveland neighborhoods of Old Brooklyn and Clark-Fulton. At the conference, she hopes to gain valuable feedback from other professionals in the field to assist her in preparing a manuscript of her research for publication.
Kerrigan Ponsart (Washington Center Academic Internship Program) Kerrigan will use her award to participate in the Washington Center Academic Internship Program in Washington, D.C. in spring 2022. The program is partly an internship at a government agency or non-government organization in international relations and international development. It is also part academic credit. She hopes that the hands-on experience will contextualize her studies and make her a stronger student and professional.
Emily Reyes (An Opportunity of a Lifetime) Emily will use her award to participate in a faculty-led program to Japan in spring 2022 where she will continue her coursework as an International Studies Major. The experience will allow her to grow beyond the classroom and will help her to become a more well-rounded student who will share her knowledge and growth with others in the BW community.
Total Award Amount for Students: $10,000
2021 Faculty & Staff Special Project Awards
Cynthia Dieterich (Assessment Materials to Support Undergraduate and Graduate Education Curriculum) Cynthia will use her award to acquire critically needed, state-of-the-art assessment materials for undergraduate and graduate teacher education candidates in the College of Education and Health Sciences. These materials will benefit three programs, including Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist (undergraduate), Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist (graduate), and Early Childhood Education (undergraduate). It is critical that BW teacher education candidates have access to quality materials to ensure that they are highly qualified educators to meet the needs of our most vulnerable children. BW candidates also need to demonstrate competence in using current materials to be competitive in the job market.
Laura Hopkins Cleveland SHAPE (Summer Health and Academic Progress Exploration) Laura will use her award to fund her study of the health and academic decline among children residing in Cleveland's low-income neighborhoods during the summer months. The proposed project will be a collaboration between Urban Community School (UCS) in Cleveland's westside neighborhood of Ohio City and the Baldwin Wallace University Department of Public Health and Prevention Sciences to longitudinally track UCS students' health and academic success and the relationship between the two with a focus on shifts during the summertime and extended periods of time when school is out of session.
Jason Keiber (Women in National Security (WINS) initiative) Professor Jason Keiber will use his award to fund a Women in National Security (WINS) initiative that consists of student awards and a speaker series. Women are massively underrepresented in national security and foreign policy positions in the U.S. government and policy institutions. The purpose of WINS is to support the women studying national security and international affairs at BW, to expose them to professional women in D.C. through a speaker series, and to help establish BW as a recognized center of excellence in the study of global affairs. BW women studying national security will be responsible for putting together the speaker series. This will provide the students with leadership opportunities as well as the opportunity to explore the fantastic work that is being done by women in this area. Also, a student-led effort will lend itself to possible networking opportunities. Professor Keiber also plans to support students by offering three different financial awards for student excellence.
Tim Marshall (Women-Owned Enterprise Marketing Communications Leadership Internship Program) Tim of BW's Digital Marketing Center will use his award to fund the Digital Marketing Center's Woman-owned Enterprise Marketing Communications Leadership Internship Program, which is part mentorship initiative and part internship opportunity. As an internship opportunity, the program will enable experiential learning opportunities for up to 30 students across campus by creating short-term, project-focused paid internship positions with women-owned businesses. As a mentoring initiative, business owners/leaders commit to serving as mentors to their interns and helping the interns with leadership development.
Kathy Meyers (Improving Indwelling Catheter Insertion Techniques in Nursing and Physician Assistant Students) During the hospitalization of many patients, in-dwelling catheters or tubes are inserted into the urinary tract to drain urinary waste from the body. All patients deserve to have a nurse proficient in the use of catheters. Kathy will use her award to purchase Advanced Catheterization Trainer Sets that will provide BW nursing students with a comprehensive simulation of the insertion and removal of indwelling catheters prior to actual clinical insertion.
Jennifer Perry & Sophia Kallergis (Mental Wellness for Modern Women) Jennifer Perry and Sophia Kallergis will use their award to fund their program called Mental Wellness for Modern Women. The program is geared towards college-aged women and addressing mental health issues. It consists of several parts including a one-time speaker event featuring nationally known psychologist and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Lisa Damour. It will also include a 2-hour psychoeducational workshop with Dr. Sophia Kallergis that would enable students to recognize their existing self-help and coping skills. Third, it will include a month-long wellness journey that will help students to extend, practice, and challenge themselves to improve their mental health.
Total Award Amount for Faculty & Staff: $19,922
Total award amount for 2021-2022: $29,922