The Giving Circle has two segments for annual disbursement with 75% of funds allocated to Faculty & Staff Special Projects and 25% of funds allocated as Student Academic Enrichment grants.
Faculty & Staff Special Projects - 75% Faculty & Staff awards will be up to $5,000 each and proposals will focus on curricular and approved student experiential learning opportunities. Proposals require approval of department chair prior to submission. Project funding will be determined by voting Members.
Student Academic Enrichment Grants - 25% Awards will be up to $2,000 each and any remaining funds are dispersed as appropriate according to Women for BW bylaws. Recipients are determined by voting members as an award. Honoring the current Women's Club legacy, all recipients will be female.
Each year, these special awards allow for opportunities that otherwise may not be possible. 100% of Giving Circle Membership funds are allocated to these awards.
Please visit our Membership page to learn more about how you can help make an even bigger impact this coming year!
2020 Giving Circle Award applications now available! Deadline: SEPTEMBER 28
Student Academic Enrichment Award Up to $2,000 (women students only)
Faculty/Staff Special Project Award Up to $5,000
2019 Student Academic Enrichment Awards

Mia Malgarini (ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia) Mia will use her award to attend the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting Spring 2020 in Philadelphia. This conference is a chance for students, PhDs, and those in the industry alike to present on their research, as well as dialogue about the current issues facing our community. There will also be several open committee meetings, including the Women Chemists Committee. The funds will be used for housing, travel, registration, and food. After graduation, Mia plans to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry and focus on either physical, analytical, or material chemistry.
 Delenn Hartswick (Exploring Sex Difference Research) Delenn will use her award to travel to the annual national conference of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences, which is in Los Angeles, CA. Since 2006, this organization has worked to enhance and facilitate interdisciplinary communication and collaboration regarding scientific explorations of sex and gender differences by bringing together individuals of diverse backgrounds to advance understanding and improve health and health care. Involvement in this conference will allow Delenn to learn about current research in her field of interest, put her name out into the field, and build connections with colleagues, which she can use in the future. Delenn hopes to present data that she is collecting during her Neuroscience thesis.
 Emma Steward (Educational Opera Outreach) Along with: Olivia Beal, Kailyn Martino, Kat Davies, Jake Dufresne & Sarah Antell The Vocal Performance Class of 2020 at BW will use their award to create an educational outreach workshop with local elementary schools for their senior capstone project. Their focus is on using operatic music, specifically from the children's opera "Hansel and Gretel" by Engelbert Humperdinck, to help students connect with their peers and the world around them. They will use funds to support the purchase of various educational materials, such as props, costumes, and handouts for the children, as well as the costs of maintaining a workshop. Their primary objective for this workshop is to collaborate with educators in local elementary schools, and utilize operatic music to supplement the social and emotional development of young students. Creating and conducting a program such as this one is an experiential learning opportunity in the field of teaching artistry, and will let them think deeply about how classical music can be used as an educational tool, giving them a new perspective on operatic studies.
 Samantha Lucas (Study Abroad: Danish National School of Performing Arts): Samantha’s award will support her time studying abroad at The Danish National School of Performing Arts Study during the spring semester. This award will allow her to pay for this international study-abroad experience without having to take out an additional student loan. Participating in this program will allow her to broaden her worldview while continuing to strengthen her artistic craft and overall technical foundation. In addition to intensive study, she plans to focus on creating relationships with the artists and professors at The Danish National School of Performing Arts. Smaller class sizes will allow Samantha to collaborate with professional mentors and students at an intense and intimate level allowing her to focus on her acting, voice, and dance skills.
Total Award Amount for Students: $5,903.25
2019 Faculty & Staff Special Project Awards
 Kristin Brewer & Kerry Mullen (FACTUALITY) Kristin and Kerry will use their award to fund “FACTUALITY”, a unique experiential learning opportunity that explores the intersection of race, gender, sexual orientation, faith, and class. “FACTUALITY” will build upon the department’s fall training and provide a common education experience for the Residence Life team and demonstrate their office’s continued commitment to BW’s mission. The Residence Life department wants to go beyond surface-level understanding of diversity, intervention, or ally ship to underrepresented groups. The “FACTUALITY” experience will empower staff to develop multicultural competence and confidence in addressing situations to create an inclusive, dynamic on-campus living experience at BW. Diversity can affirm us, call us to push back against what’s familiar, urge us to connect across perceived differences and inspire us to become agents of change in supporting others. It is best understood through intentional education, experience, and action, which is exactly what they are confident “FACTUALITY” will provide their staff.
Dr. Amy Vaughn (Giving Voice) Dr. Vaughn is receiving funding to upgrade the BW Speech Clinic’s PENTAX Voice Station which will be obsolete in January of 2020 due to the end of Windows 7, the system on which the current voice station operates. Upgrading this system is imperative to provide the necessary technical training for Communication Sciences and Disorders to prepare for their future employment settings. In addition, Communication Science Disorders and the Conservatory’s Vocal Pedagogy program are conducting interprofessional education research using this equipment. As a product of that collaboration, these two programs aim to initiate a Voice Clinic that would evaluate the Conservatory’s professional voice students. This upgraded equipment also allows the Speech Clinic to continue to serve the Cleveland Trans* Community. For many Trans* women, voice serves as a source of increased gender dysphoria. Communication Science Disorders and BW Public Health programs will extend research already in process regarding this topic, but this equipment is needed to continue to research and serve this community.
 Dr. Raed Ba Helah (Tobacco Research in Cuyahoga County) Dr. Ba Helah will be using these funds to assess the distribution of tobacco retailers in Cuyahoga County by socioeconomic status and minority distribution and will assess retailers' compliance with tobacco ads display at point-of-sale and sale of tobacco products to young people (below 21 year-olds). This project aims to examine the density of tobacco retailers by the socioeconomic status (SES) of neighborhoods in Cuyahoga County, describe the compliance of a random number of tobacco retailers by restrictions on tobacco ads at these retailers and ID check to confirm the age before selling tobacco products. This project also aims to raise awareness about tobacco disparities in Cuyahoga County. Following the research, the community will be invited to a 1-day summit at BW to raise awareness of tobacco disparities and what is needed to reduce these disparities.
 Dr. Kathryn Flinn (BW Tree-Ring Lab) Dr. Flinn will use this award to establish a tree-ring laboratory with a dual mission: to educate students in ecology and environmental science and to support the conservation of forests in Greater Cleveland. Dr. Flinn conducts ecological research with the primary goal of training future scientists, land managers, educators, and citizens. Establishing a tree-ring lab at BW will create opportunities for experiential learning through undergraduate research, both within and outside courses. Research experiences are crucial for students who will pursue further research in graduate school, but they also equip all students with the skills to think critically, work hard, pursue tough questions, use evidence, and demonstrate perseverance in any arena. This award will allow for the purchase of specialized equipment, which will allow this lab to support many valuable student projects over the next 25 years and beyond.
Total Award Amount for Faculty & Staff: $17,709.75
Total award amount for 2019-2020: $23,613