A position as a tour guide in BW’s admission office left such an impression on sophomore Carolyn Noll Sorg that she never left the field.
“I studied English at BW, and after a graduate degree in higher education, I came right back to BW for my first professional job as an admission counselor,” says Carolyn.
She went on to hold two other admission posts, one of them as a chief admission officer, before assuming her current role at College Board where she consults in higher education.
The decision to attend BW, however, was not one based on first impressions, admits Carolyn. It was instead based on BW’s many program offerings, distance from home, and cost to attend.
“It ticked all the boxes,” she says. “But it wasn’t until about a year in that I realized BW was fundamentally changing me in all the ways I needed to grow. I didn’t seek it out for these reasons, but I can credit BW with my professional confidence, my network, my leadership skills– all reasons I should have picked it if I’d known better.”
And then there are Carolyn’s most prized relationships, such as her marriage, kids, friends and career that she believes she has today because she chose BW.
“My time at BW was one of constant growth, support, challenge, hard work, reward, learning, and most of all connectivity to friends and mentors,” she says.
Her most favorite memory was when she travelled abroad to London and Paris with her Carmel class.
“I’d never travelled abroad before that,” she says, “and it was my single most mind-expanding experience to that point.”
Today, maintaining a connection to BW helps her to stay connected to her values and is one of the reasons she has chosen to become a Women for BW member.
“I’ve enjoyed getting to know women who have a shared experience and similar pride in BW,” she says. “The phenomenon of being a woman, a professional woman, a woman in leadership, a mom, a working mom, etc. is all unique. I love that BW has a place for women in various situations to be there for, understand, and encourage each other.”
Thank you, Carolyn!