We're excited to offer the online Class Notes Quarterly to share and celebrate the achievements and milestones of BW alumni.
Launched in July 2016, Class Notes Quarterly is released multiple times per year. Each issue includes professional accomplishments, educational attainments, marriage and birth announcements. We also release In Memoriam listings for alumni and friends who are no longer with us, with links to full obituaries, when available online in local media outlets. See the left sidebar for links to the most recent issues.
How we get news: We receive news from our YJ4Ls in several ways. Many news items are submitted to us by alumni using the online Alumni Update Form. We learn of other news from articles and posts in local or national news media. Still other news is learned by word of mouth from BW faculty, staff members, or other alumni in touch with our office. While we publish almost all professional accomplishments, marriage announcements, birth announcements, and in memoriam listings that we receive, we reserve the right to determine what to publish online.
Searchable Archive: In addition to publishing Class Notes Quarterly, our online class notes archive may be accessed and searched at any time. The archive (including in memoriam listings, class notes, marriage, and birth announcements) is a cumulative collection of notes received beginning in 2010. The archive may be searched by name, class year, city, or state and is updated regularly as we prepare updates for Class Notes Quarterly every three months.
Did we miss something? Do you remember submitting news, but don't see it in a recent update? Email bwalumni@bw.edu and we'll make the necessary additions (or edits) to this page, and to the searchable archive.
Other questions? Contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at (440) 826-2104 or email bwalumni@bw.edu with any questions about Class Notes Quarterly or the searchable notes archive.